Recipes for Breast Health
When our founder, Ann Ogden Gaffney, started Cook for Your Life in 2007, the jury was still out as to whether eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provided preventative benefits to breast cancer survivors. However, we did know it was good for their overall health. To encourage breast cancer survivors to eat more fruits and veggies, we created plant-based cooking and nutrition programs in English and...
We now know that we did the right thing. Metadata from numerous studies show that eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein while cutting back on fatty red and processed meats and alcohol, may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence. For this reason, institutions like the American Cancer Society, The National Cancer Institute, and the American Institute for Cancer Research all now promote these diet and lifestyle changes. To get you started on the road to a more cancer-protective lifestyle, here are some easy, delicious recipes to help you enjoy the wonderful abundance of fall fruits and vegetables that October brings. Fight cancer with your fork, and Cook for your Life!