Cancer Protective Diet
Dishes to Protect Your Kidneys
When kidney disease strikes, we have to turn to a diet low in the following 4 items: protein, sodium, potassium and phosphorous. This restriction cuts out a lot of everyone’s favorite foods, beginning with obviously high protein items like chicken, fish or dairy but also salty chips, your breakfast orange juice, potatoes, leafy greens like chard and spinach. And chocolate. The recipes below feature foods that most... for this diet. You may have to make a few changes, such as using vegetable broth or water for soups, or eliminating carrots; maybe swapping out spinach for baby arugula or kale, or plain yogurt for a plain unsweetened non-dairy variety, but at the end of the day we hope that these recipes will give you ideas that will help you get beyond what you can’t have and make this diet manageable and tasty. Enjoy!