Hello! I’m Dr. Dawn Hershman. I am a breast oncologist and I direct the breast cancer program at Columbia University Medical Center. My research focuses on improving quality of life for breast cancer survivors, and I am a Co-Investigator on the Mi Vida Saludable Study.
My goal is to help you to remain cancer-free for as long as possible, and eating more fruits and vegetables, like those found at the farmers’ market, is one way to decrease the chance of getting cancer again. In this newsletter, we will compare the prices of some fruits and vegetables at the farmers’ market to those at other food stores. As you can see, the farmers’ market is not necessarily more expensive!
Mi Vida Saludable News #7
Comparing Prices at the Farmers’ Market and Other Food Stores
You may think that some grocery stores are more expensive than others… but check out this comparison chart to see for yourself! Shopping at your nearby farmers’ market can be cheaper – and the produce may be fresher and tastier.

There are many farmers’ markets in New York City – in every borough! Find your closest farmers’ market here: http://www.grownyc.org/greenmarket/ourmarkets
The National Cancer Institute has resources available to help manage life after treatment available here: http://www.cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/facing-forward
For more recipes, how-to articles, and videos on making healthy choices, visit: www.cookforyourlife.org
Questions or comments?
Please contact Amanda Marín-Chollom: (212) 305-3640