Hello, I am Jenny Saldaña. I am a breast cancer survivor and a Patient Navigator for the Department of Breast Surgery at Columbia University Medical Center. I love comedy and performing, and actually wrote a play! This newsletter talks about dancing around our beautiful city, NYC. Enjoy!
Mi Vida Saludable News #12
Dancing Around NYC
Being active helps us control our weight. Dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up and have fun at the same time!
Ever wanted to learn how to Tango? Well, you actually can – and for free! NYC Parks brings you free dancing classes around the city. For more information, visit: nycgovparks.org
If you’re looking for something other than Tango, try Zumba, offered by Shape Up NYC, which is often free of charge and it’s offered in multiple locations. For more information, visit: https://www.nycgovparks.org/befitnyc/programs/

There are other dancing options too that you can move and groove to from the comfort of your own home. Try these Moving for Life videos!
The National Cancer Institute has resources available to help manage life after treatment. View their booklet: Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment
For more recipes, how-to articles, and videos on making healthy choices, visit: cookforyourlife.org
Questions or comments?
Please contact Amanda Marín-Chollom: (212) 305-3640