Eggs are a welcome part of a healthy diet. One of the most cost-effective ways to boost protein intake is a dependable and delicious egg. Adding extra egg whites to whole eggs, or just using egg whites on their own will give you a protein-filled breakfast without a lot of saturated fat.
One large egg contains six grams of protein with less than 100 calories and provides a number of vitamins and minerals including riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and choline.
Eggs are also a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, classified as carotenoids and known antioxidants, that have been shown to protect against CVD disease and may help protect against the development of breast cancer.
Chef Tips
The way to test an egg’s freshness is to break it open and observe the shape and consistency of its yolk and whites. If the whites are firm and domed around the yolk then it is fresher; the whites are flat and runny, then it’s older.
Egg yolks can range in color from pale yellow to deep orange. The deeper the color, the more varied the hen’s diet was (and potentially a tastier egg).
Hard-boiled eggs are a delicious, easy snack, and can add a protein boost to salads. If you are in treatment and like your eggs fried or poached, it’s a good idea to cook them longer to harden the yolk. They will still be great with a piece of whole-grain toast.
The easiest way to eat more eggs is to live by the phrase, “Put an Egg on It.” The list of recipes is endless!
For tips on basic egg cookery, watch Ann’s videos on how to make the perfect poached, scrambled, and hard-boiled eggs.
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