Warm Up To Frozen Fruit

Frozen Fruits and Vegetables, anti-cancer recipes

Frozen fruits shouldn’t be overlooked. They are picked at their peak ripeness and flash frozen almost immediately, so we’re able to enjoy the best of the season year-round. They are also equally, or even more nutritious than their fresh counterparts. This may come as a surprise to some, but the wide range of benefits from frozen fruits has been known for years.

If you’re still wary of the freezer aisle here are a few reasons frozen fruits should have their place on your table.

Fresh fruits are shipped long distances, so to ensure they don’t rot before getting to markets, they’re picked before they are fully ripened. Sadly for these fruits, though they will continue to ripen once picked, they do not continue to gain nutritional value. In fact, only fruits that are left on the vine or tree until they are completely ripe will reach their full nutrient capacity. Frozen fruits are often picked at the peak of their ripeness long after their fresh partners have been shipped. This means that even before they are frozen, they start off with more nutrients.

If refrigeration is not maintained or fruits are bruised during the shipping process, they may even lose more nutrients. Frozen fruit, on the other hand, is frozen almost immediately after it’s been picked. The quick blanching process kills harmful microbes and enzymes that can cause the fruits to degrade, and though it does cause some nutrient loss, notably vitamin C which is water soluble, it leaves most nutrients in tow and they stay nutrient-rich through the shipping process and at the grocery store.

If you’re still not over the fact that frozen fruits share the same aisle as frozen pizzas here are a few more reasons to love them:

  • They help save money. Frozen fruits are often cheaper than fresh, but even if they’re selling at the same rate, they keep in the freezer for months meaning less food waste and therefore less money in the trash.
  • Frozen fruits are convenient. They’ve been prewashed and can be eaten right out of the bag. Let them thaw just a bit and enjoy them for a healthy dessert. Add them to smoothies or oatmeal in the morning, or pour them right out of the bag into scone or pancake batter. The options are endless.
  • Frozen fruits are perfect for making delicious compote. Pop frozen fruits in the microwave or a saucepan and get important nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber from your microbe-free compote. Eat it on top of toast, stirred into oatmeal, with our quinoa breakfast porridge, blended into one of our smoothies, or re-frozen in a granita.

If you get the chance to eat blueberries right off the bush, take it! But if you can’t, pack a sweater for your next grocery store outing because you and the freezer aisle are about to get to know each other a little better. A balanced diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables whether they are fresh or frozen will provide necessary nutrients to get you through treatment and can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle afterward.

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